Thursday 16 February 2023

Mahsuri Band Practice for upcoming Gig

Ahello!! Assalamualaikum  πŸ‘‹ 

How you guys doing today? Mine was ok-ok but abit tired from work. I cooked Nasi Goreng Sardin for dinner cuz i am malas liddat.

So in the evening, I followed my husband (Jemey) to Vidivox Studio at Bandar Seri Putra Bangi owned by his friend, Alis to teman (menyibuk) Jemey practice for his Mahsuri Band as they’re going to have a gig at Ampang this Saturday under the organizer of Atas Angin (if you’re enjoying local bands/gigs, you know Atas Angin is quite well-known amongst the indie band music).

Yall can check Mahsuri IG at @kamimahsuri and also at Spotify just search for Mahsuri with their songs, “Yeah yeah yeah” and “Iver Iver”. 

All I can say is Mahsuri has their own specialty in lyrics & music arrangement. It’s pretty hard to find this kinda rhythm in our country. The lyrics in Bahasa are pretty heavy but meaningful for us to relate to in our lives. 

Below are the sneak peek of their jamming session just now: (Iver Iver song)

Wednesday 15 February 2023

Long time no see!! πŸ‘€


It’s been so long since the last time i updated my blog. But, here i am again!! πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ™‹πŸ»‍♀️πŸ™‹πŸ»‍♀️πŸ™‹πŸ»‍♀️ 

It’s now February 2023! It’s like hey old Liyana, I am the future Liyana if you read it from the past contents of this blog. πŸ˜‚

I have successfully graduated on time & guess what?!! I am married now πŸ’ to a man named Azmel.

 He’s a highway project engineer and a part time bassist for a band named ‘Sharpshooter’ (Reggae) & ‘Mahsuri’ (Indie) πŸŽΈπŸ‘¨‍🎀 Perhaps my blogs will be full of music events/concerts/gigs after this. For example:

 I am gonna update lots of it or any fun things to be shared with you guys. There’s a series of episode happened these past few years after I finished my degree. So many things I could just babble it out. The sorrow and also the happy things. But it’s okay, I will now focus on my future endeavors.

No more nerdy stuff as I am free from any compulsory subjects during my college year. Haha.

That’s all for now. Till we meet again. πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹✌️

Tuesday 15 August 2017

Topic 10: SmartBuilder4 (Background image & next page button)

This week's lesson is about the introduction of SmartBuilder in the 4th version. It has a lot of new features of scripting and editing of creating an education software. SmartBuilder is the fastest e-learning authoring tool for creating serious e-learning including scenarios, gamification, branching, assessments and more.

Before we begin to create an e-learning software, we were taught to do the cover or the background for the page. In order to do the background, we must first click on the 'image' button on the side. Secondly, we need to click and drag on the plain white page to cover up the whole white page. Thirdly, click on the grey background area to import image from any document in your computer. Tadaaa.... your page now are nicely cover up with beautiful image background.

Figure 1: Example of image background for your SmartBuilder

After that, we learned about how to create and scripting the next page text and button along with creating pop up text next to the next page button. And this is how the scripting for 'next page' button look like:

Figure 2: Scripting for 'next page' button (Pink button)
Figure 3: Scripting for pop up text beside the next page button,


❤️ Lyana

Saturday 29 July 2017

Topic 9: Design with Canva

This week's lesson, Madam Azida taught us on how to use and create something from an easy graphic design software called, 'Canva'. Canva is a platform for anyone to create a simple design. Anyone can create designs with their own creativity for Web or print into a blog graphics, presentations, Facebook covers, flyers, posters, invitations and many more.

At the end of the class, Madam Azida wanted us to create a book cover of any subjects that we have learned throughout the semesters or any topic that could give a picture for information or educational purpose.

Thus, this is my best attempt in doing Madam's request and this book cover was related to my own work of writing a short story for my Creative Writing subject. I gave my short story's name as, 'The Reminscence'. Basically, the story was about reminiscing sins of a homosexual guy and it's definitely aim for the readers to go through themselves on the redemption of the guy who need to find his right path back to God.

You can ask me for the full short story if you want to read it. Hehe.☺


❤️ Lyana

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Topic 8: Educational Video Maker (Powtoons)

This week's lesson, Madam Azidah taught us on how to make an educational video maker named, 'Powtoon'. PowToon is the world's leading, most user-friendly and most intuitive animation software. WithPowToon, anyone - even if you don't know a pixel from a proxy server - can create engaging, animated videos with a professional look and feel. Their greater vision is to bring a touch of awesomeness to everyday communications.

The function of making a Powtoon for this subject is to share any knowledge or information for the audience to watch the video. As we have learned the steps to make the video, we were asked by Madam to do our own Powtoon educational video as a proof that we are achieving the understanding of the purpose of making this animation video.

As for extra assignment, Madam asked all of us to form a group of 3 to create our own educational video, upload it to and post it in our blog. Thus, i choose Aqila and Ainul as my groupmates. As a result, we came out with an idea to share 10 facts about pandas. Below is our completed Powtoon educational video;

❤️ Lyana

Thursday 6 July 2017

Topic 7: Podcasting and Digital Storytelling

Holaa. It's me again. Today i will be sharing with you guys to a new topic entitled, 'Podcasting and Digital Storytelling'.

First of all, do you know what is a podcast?
A podcast is an:

  • audio and/or video file
  • ‘broadcast’ via the Internet
  • can be downloaded to a computer or mobile device. For example, MP3 player.
  • 'podcast' comes from the word 'iPod'. An Apple portable MP3 player & broadcast

What are the uses of podcasting in language teaching?

There are 2 main uses which are;
  1. Students can listen to existing podcasts
  2. Students can create their own podcasts   
Both of the uses will create an interesting learning environment to the students and also will automatically make the students learn more about Internet technology.

By using existing podcasts for language learning, students will.....⤵

  • self-study (independent learner & make them explore the learning process by themselves)
  • improve listening skills in class. (the teachers willonly give instructions & assistance while students need to listen carefully to the instructions given)
  • encourage students to find a podcast that interests them and to listen regularly. (subscribe to podcast using e.g. iTunes ‘podcatcher’)
  • variety of levels (according to the language proficiency level of the students)
  • variety of topics (specific topics of language learning)

Steps to have your own podcast ⤵

1. Tools for podcasting:
  1. an audio/recording tools
  2. online voice recorder (
  3. smartphone
2. Audio editing tools:
  • audacity
  • any online audio editor (pffftt you can google it. hahaha)
3. You can upload it in any platform such as:
  • Youtube
  • iTunes 
  • SoundCloud 
  • Blog

Hey loookkk! These are some of the examples of podcast:
  • General
- Language Learning podcasts
- Podcasts for teachers and learners
  • English
-ESL Directory from LearnOutLoud

-Better English

-Fun English Lessons

-English as a Second Language Podcast

-Genki English



❤️ Lyana

Tuesday 20 June 2017

Topic 6: Instructional Courseware Design

Today's class, Madam Azida taught us about the topic, 'Instructional Courseware Design'. At first, I have no idea what is instructional courseware design. From my understanding based from Madam's explanation, instructional courseware design is a thing you need to design in the program to make or to create courseware.

As for introduction of the topic, 'Instructional Courseware Design':

  • This courseware design is by creating instructional experiences which make the acquisition of knowledge and skill more interesting as a whole kind of perspective.
  • It consists of figuring out:
  1. the needs of the learner 
  2. achieving the learning objectives
  3. creating some intervention to strive the goals or objectives
  • It includes two kind of learning theories which are:
  1. Behaviourist Learning Theory - How human will react to a certain situation according to his senses. 
  2. Constructivist Learning Theory - How people might acquire knowledge and learn. It therefore has direct application to education.

What are the learners needs?

  • The gap between: 
  • What the learners want to get out of education 
  • The learner's current skill and knowledge 
  • What the learner's need to learn?
  • Needs analysis will be analyze through its:

  1. Syllabus
  2. Survey
  3. Free writing
  4. Public records
The learning outcomes:

  • what should the learners achieve at the end of the learning experience. Example: learners will be able to identify the name of shapes.
  • gives an idea and target of what are purposes of the learning process.
  • it can be measurable to motivate students' success. Example: it is related to the students' achievement in the courseware. MARKS: 1/10, 2/10, 3/10 or until 10/10. 


It could create materials and lessons to instruct learners.
- Kind of similar with lesson plan made by teachers. The difference between it was; instructional design courseware made automatically by the technology of computer while lesson plan made manually by people that called as teacher.
  • Needs Analysis identifies what the learner’s need to learn
  • Learning Outcome gives the lessons a unified aim to be achieved
  • ISD involves:
  1. Creation of syllabus
  2. Planning of lesson
  3. Material selection and adaptation
  4. Planning of implementation and intervention
Instructional Design in CALL
• Involves creating computer courseware for learning
• Courseware acts as supplement/support to lesson and not as complete replacement
•Courseware can be designed for use inside and outside of lesson

PLATO (1960 - 2006)

Figure 1: First times when Plato was introduced for the Science studies

  • PLATO stands for Programmed Logic for Automated Teaching Operations
  • The first computer assisted instruction system. Specially used for Science studies.
  • But then it can be programmed to teach any course
  • Disadvantage: it was expensive

Now, let's learn something new. Let me introduce you the learning i just knew today which is ADDIE Model. You must be wondering what is ADDIE Model isn't it?
  • It is a framework for the development of instructional coursework
- Analysis
- Design
- Development   
- Implementation 
- Evaluation

Tadaaaaa! As you can see the bold alphabets can be spelled as ADDIE. That's how ADDIE was been called. It is actually the processes and steps of a framework for the development of the project; instructional coursework.

Figure 2: ADDIE Model process
1. A) Analysis:
- identifies the objectives, learners level and needs
- WHO are the learners?
- WHAT is the desired behaviour of achievement?, WHAT are the delivery options?, WHAT are the learning theories applied?

2. D) Design:
- identifying and developing plans and strategies targeted to achieve the project goals. 
- creating a “storyboard” of what the courseware should look like. (It's like the index on your textbook. Which page or which topic do you want to select to study. But this one, you just need to click which content do you want to enter.)

3. D) Development:
- developers create and assemble content and assets based on the blueprint in the design phase
- creators develop graphics and materials and integrate them into the courseware
- testers check for bugs and errors

4. I) Implementation:
- develop procedures for the implementation of the courseware
- training facilitators and learners to use the courseware

5. E) Evaluation:
- evaluating the impact of the courseware. There are two kinds of evaluation:

i) Formative evaluation:
You will think from every aspects such as its: 
  • Effectiveness 
  • Usefulness 
  • Relevancy

ii) Summative evaluation:
  • Effectiveness of the courseware as a whole. It can be adopted, continued or modified for improvement. 

That's it. I need my rest. Hehhe. Thank you for your time. I will come back to write again and share with you guys with much more topics. 

❤️ Lyana