Tuesday 15 August 2017

Topic 10: SmartBuilder4 (Background image & next page button)

This week's lesson is about the introduction of SmartBuilder in the 4th version. It has a lot of new features of scripting and editing of creating an education software. SmartBuilder is the fastest e-learning authoring tool for creating serious e-learning including scenarios, gamification, branching, assessments and more.

Before we begin to create an e-learning software, we were taught to do the cover or the background for the page. In order to do the background, we must first click on the 'image' button on the side. Secondly, we need to click and drag on the plain white page to cover up the whole white page. Thirdly, click on the grey background area to import image from any document in your computer. Tadaaa.... your page now are nicely cover up with beautiful image background.

Figure 1: Example of image background for your SmartBuilder

After that, we learned about how to create and scripting the next page text and button along with creating pop up text next to the next page button. And this is how the scripting for 'next page' button look like:

Figure 2: Scripting for 'next page' button (Pink button)
Figure 3: Scripting for pop up text beside the next page button,


❤️ Lyana

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