Tuesday 18 July 2017

Topic 8: Educational Video Maker (Powtoons)

This week's lesson, Madam Azidah taught us on how to make an educational video maker named, 'Powtoon'. PowToon is the world's leading, most user-friendly and most intuitive animation software. WithPowToon, anyone - even if you don't know a pixel from a proxy server - can create engaging, animated videos with a professional look and feel. Their greater vision is to bring a touch of awesomeness to everyday communications.

The function of making a Powtoon for this subject is to share any knowledge or information for the audience to watch the video. As we have learned the steps to make the video, we were asked by Madam to do our own Powtoon educational video as a proof that we are achieving the understanding of the purpose of making this animation video.

As for extra assignment, Madam asked all of us to form a group of 3 to create our own educational video, upload it to Youtube.com and post it in our blog. Thus, i choose Aqila and Ainul as my groupmates. As a result, we came out with an idea to share 10 facts about pandas. Below is our completed Powtoon educational video;

❤️ Lyana

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