Thursday 6 July 2017

Topic 7: Podcasting and Digital Storytelling

Holaa. It's me again. Today i will be sharing with you guys to a new topic entitled, 'Podcasting and Digital Storytelling'.

First of all, do you know what is a podcast?
A podcast is an:

  • audio and/or video file
  • ‘broadcast’ via the Internet
  • can be downloaded to a computer or mobile device. For example, MP3 player.
  • 'podcast' comes from the word 'iPod'. An Apple portable MP3 player & broadcast

What are the uses of podcasting in language teaching?

There are 2 main uses which are;
  1. Students can listen to existing podcasts
  2. Students can create their own podcasts   
Both of the uses will create an interesting learning environment to the students and also will automatically make the students learn more about Internet technology.

By using existing podcasts for language learning, students will.....⤵

  • self-study (independent learner & make them explore the learning process by themselves)
  • improve listening skills in class. (the teachers willonly give instructions & assistance while students need to listen carefully to the instructions given)
  • encourage students to find a podcast that interests them and to listen regularly. (subscribe to podcast using e.g. iTunes ‘podcatcher’)
  • variety of levels (according to the language proficiency level of the students)
  • variety of topics (specific topics of language learning)

Steps to have your own podcast ⤵

1. Tools for podcasting:
  1. an audio/recording tools
  2. online voice recorder (
  3. smartphone
2. Audio editing tools:
  • audacity
  • any online audio editor (pffftt you can google it. hahaha)
3. You can upload it in any platform such as:
  • Youtube
  • iTunes 
  • SoundCloud 
  • Blog

Hey loookkk! These are some of the examples of podcast:
  • General
- Language Learning podcasts
- Podcasts for teachers and learners
  • English
-ESL Directory from LearnOutLoud

-Better English

-Fun English Lessons

-English as a Second Language Podcast

-Genki English



❤️ Lyana

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