Thursday 16 February 2023

Mahsuri Band Practice for upcoming Gig

Ahello!! Assalamualaikum  👋 

How you guys doing today? Mine was ok-ok but abit tired from work. I cooked Nasi Goreng Sardin for dinner cuz i am malas liddat.

So in the evening, I followed my husband (Jemey) to Vidivox Studio at Bandar Seri Putra Bangi owned by his friend, Alis to teman (menyibuk) Jemey practice for his Mahsuri Band as they’re going to have a gig at Ampang this Saturday under the organizer of Atas Angin (if you’re enjoying local bands/gigs, you know Atas Angin is quite well-known amongst the indie band music).

Yall can check Mahsuri IG at @kamimahsuri and also at Spotify just search for Mahsuri with their songs, “Yeah yeah yeah” and “Iver Iver”. 

All I can say is Mahsuri has their own specialty in lyrics & music arrangement. It’s pretty hard to find this kinda rhythm in our country. The lyrics in Bahasa are pretty heavy but meaningful for us to relate to in our lives. 

Below are the sneak peek of their jamming session just now: (Iver Iver song)

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